Saturday, April 3, 2010

This mama loves her baby!

This mama loves her baby! and This baby loves his mama!
Don't you ADORE those moments where you don't mean to get such a good picture, but somehow your little boy puts his arm around your face and the picture gets snapped right at the exact perfect moment?!?!
Grandma and Grandpa bought baby Coy a new stroller and walker. Baby Coy went four wheeling with Grandpa in his stroller while Auntie Kel's puppy chilled in the walker. Cute friends!

We are sooo close to crawling. ALMOST there... hang on 'cause here I come! You can call me yoga boy because I love to do "downward facing dog!"

The best way to smile is with your eyes, it is sincere and warm... and baby has GOT IT DOWN!

Sup dude! Ready for the pool this summer and our fun trip to the beach!
The other night I was reading a book (Messages in Water) by a Doctor Emoto - he did research with water molecules and found that there is a point where when water is frozen the molecular structure of the crystals that are formed can be seen. He found that love and gratitude produced the most abundant and beautiful crystals... As I read this I decided that I would choose to be grateful and make an effort to remember gratitude more! We are, after all, 90 percent water when we are born...

1 comment:

  1. I love that Kelsey's Puppy is in the walker... ha! Adorable precious Pics!
