Sunday, April 4, 2010


WARNING: I am about to "toot" my own horn here for a minute!!
I have worked at the same Company for six and a half years now and I have really enjoyed my time there!

Each month my Company gives out a Customer Service ALLSTAR award to one employee who has been nominated and chosen that demonstrates exceptional customer service. This month it was my turn! I was so excited to be given this award. It is something that I have wanted for a long time. Yay for accomplishing goals! Another one gets knocked off the list!

My family was super supportive and showed up at an early morning meeting to be there as I was given this award. Thanks for all your support family!

My manager

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow congratulations!!! Sounds like it was well deserved!! You're amazing and you look gorgeous!!! Way to GO Stac!
